Friday, July 3, 2009

I am home

I am home. My plans have changed since the last time I updated this blog. I am going to study Chinese for 1 year and either go back to China, or go to Taiwan to continue teaching.

Things I miss the most:

My friend Dawn
My students

Things I'm enjoying the most at home:

Unrestricted internet access
Playing fetch with my mom's dog Lance

This adventure is now over, but keep checking back from time to time because I will link my new blog here when it's time to start another adventure.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Until I can find a proxy that will let me post pictures, there won't be anymore. You can thank a very insecure government.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beach in Xiamen

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Statue in Xiamen

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sense of wonder is missing

The best part about going to a new country to live is the sense of wonder. For some reason, I never felt that sense of wonder when I came here. I expected it to be as intense as the first time I moved abroad but it wasn't. I have my theories as to why but I'll keep those to myself.

As far as Korea, why the heck do I keep changing my mind? Well, for a couple of reasons actually. First, if I'm really going to make this teaching thing a career I'm going to have to learn the local language and I just don't find anything particularly interesting about Chinese. As far as Japanese and Korean, heck yeah I find many things that interest me, anime, crazy Japanese/Korean game shows, pop culture etc. Second, I need to pick a country with a healthy supply of jobs. That eliminates Japan and Taiwan, and I've simply lost interested in China. So Korea is probably the best choice.

So I'm not just following my gut, I thought about it and picked the best choice.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Just got back from the KTV with 6 of my students. A KTV is basically karaoke, but you get a private room just for you and your friends to sing and dance to your hearts content. I got there at 2pm and we didn't leave until 6:30pm. I have a feeling they were there a lot longer. It was a lot of fun, and yes I did actually sing.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


So, I was reading some teacher forums for South Korea the other day and it got me thinking. Someone was complaining about being stared at and how it was starting to get on their nerves. It used to bother me too when I lived there. It happens more here but for some reason it doesn't bother me. Well, I think I can explain why...

Being stared at just doesn't happen often enough, in Korea, to force an adaptation to the situation. It happens, and it's really annoying, but every second of every day the moment you leave your house? No. For that you need to come to small town China. The staring is so bad here that you have no choice, learn to live with it, or leave.

This process of reaching a certain breaking point and then adapting has happened many times since I've come here. Another example is walking into a classroom full of sad, depressed, angry, apathetic Chinese college students. It really got to me last term, it was so bad I transferred all my money home and was within days of leaving. But, before I had a chance to leave things started getting better. I reached a breaking point, and then I adapted. How did I adapt out of this problem? I stopped caring about the students. Now, that might seem like a bad thing, but let's face reality. This is China. I cannot fix my students problems, and I cannot fix their school, period. Once I did this, almost magically I started having fun teaching, my lessons became much better, I spent more time planning and preparing, and a few of my students started paying attention. How does one learn that not caring can actually fix a problem? I really had no other option besides going home.

What else do people complain about in South Korea? The spitting, hah. The spitting here is far worse than anything you'd ever encounter in South Korea. Or how about this, ever see a parent holding their baby at the bus stop, while their baby goes poop onto the floor right in front of the bus stop bench? I see it happen at least once a week. I've almost stepped into a big pile of baby poop at the bus stop so many times... . Or people spitting onto the floor of a restaurant? You ever see that in South Korea? Or pour their soup onto the floor? Or spit out their food onto the table, or the floor? The funny thing is, if you ask me if I'm happy here I'd say, happier than I was in South Korea. The only difference being that I've lived here longer. This is a much harsher environment, I HAD to adapt to survive. I HAD NO CHOICE. South Korea is quiet enough, clean enough, and sane enough to not have to adapt.

Anyway, where am I going with this? Oh, yes. I've started seriously considering going back to South Korea. I've toyed with the idea for a few months but then I checked the course list for my local community college, and yes they do teach Korean there. That really got me thinking about it. It's kind of funny how much I complained about life there, but damn it's nothing compared to what I survived in China. This place has really toughened me up, and I'm more than ready to go back to Korea. I still haven't made my final decision, but I am leaning towards moving to Seoul after a semester or two of studying Korean.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Xiamen skyline...

Can you find the pizza hut? I've been there twice, completely different from pizza hut in America.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Tuesday, March 31, 2009


...not such an easy and simple life on thinks I spot a bunker...and you know what those are for! (Or 'were' for, hopefully)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Easy and simple life...

On Gulangyu Island...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

First thing I'm gonna do...

...when I get home.

1) Go to the backyard and play fetch with Lance (dog)
2) Go to Beto's restaurant and get some Mexican food (oh how I miss you)
3) USE MY MACBOOK PRO ON THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

Losing hotel?

Interestingly named hotel on Gulangyu.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Colorful little boat...

...near Gulangyu Island.


Looks like I have another cold. But, considering I only had 1 for all of last year, that's not too bad.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Most frustrating thing... even if the students learn absolutely NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING and they fail every test, they STILL graduate and get a certificate from the school. So, what's the point???

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I'm usually slow to adopt these web 2.0 things...but I'm finally on Twitter. You can also read my twitter updates here on my blog. Just below the links section.


3.2 months until my contract is finished!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The count down

9 weeks of teaching left.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Nanshan Temple in Zhangzhou

Last month I went to Nanshan(南山) Temple in Zhangzhou with my friend. As usual I forgot to bring my camera but my friend brought hers, so here are Dawn's pictures. She's a much better photographer than I am.