Saturday, April 19, 2008

The mythical laowei

Damn the mythical laowei sounds like a great blog title. Anyway, I want to tell you about 4 recent sitings of the mythical laowei, known in English as "the foreigner".

Today in a Zhangzhou KFC, a young boy around 9 or 10 years old spotted the mythical laowei eating food in his natural habitat. What was the boy's reaction? He stood literally 2 feet away from the mythical laowei for approximately 5 minutes while the laowei tried to quickly but gracefully finish his food.

After leaving his natural habitat the mythical laowei started his long journey back to his adopted home when a young mother spotted the elusive laowei and forced her very young kindergarten aged daughter to look at the never before seen mythical creature. Her eyes widened in shock and awe as she spotted the lone laowei while her mother quite forcibly pushed her little head in the laowei's direction.

Two other instances have recently occurred that require documentation. The first happened while the laowei was trying to cross the street without being killed. As soon as he made it across in one piece he found a father pointing straight at him not 5 feet away while his young daughter stared at him in fascination and fear. She will not soon forget the mythical laowei.

The last instance occurred while the laowei was shopping. One of his co-worker's friends saw him. She excitedly told the laowei's co-worker, "Look there's an elusive laowei over there!" The laowei's co-worker replied "Maybe it's one of the mythical laowei's at our school!" She quickly maneuvered to get a better vantage point. "Yes, that's a laowei at our school! His name is Kevin!", she reported excitedly. However, she was much to shy to approach him outside of school, even though they have spoken on numerous occasions before. She did however have the courage to report the incident to the laowei a few days later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's funny, but I have no interest in making friends with laowai when I was in China. Even though I have to talk to them everyday now in United States...