Monday, April 7, 2008


Spitting is pretty common here and to tell you the truth it is REALLY starting to get on my nerves. I live next to an older couple who are probably in their 60s. One day I walk outside my door and see the old lady leaning slightly over the balcony on our sixth floor. She seems to be looking into the distance when all of a sudden she starts hocking up the biggest, nastiest lugie you ever did hear. Then she lets it fly, sailing over the balcony onto the ground below, while trying to see how far it went. Every morning as I'm getting ready for the day I can hear her come outside to hock up another one. It even happens in fancy restaurants. One of my ex-friends used to take me to her business meetings. One day we went to a super fancy restaurant with a private room and our own personal waitress. All of a sudden one of the super rich businessmen hocks up some phlegm, and without even hesitating, deposits his phlegm right onto the floor of the restaurant...

Think about that the next time you're eating pigs tongue and raw fish at a super fancy restaurant.

Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

Rick & Kim said...

I liked your commentary. That's one nasty habit...especially inside the restaurant.
