Saturday, February 7, 2009

Already evaluating my stay here...

I still have like over 4 months left but I'm already wondering what I have gained from staying here.

I remember it very clearly when my desire to learn another language was greater than my laziness. I just came home from teaching, I was tired, upset, lonely, and absolutely bored out of my mind. I laid down to rest and started wondering why the hell I came here. I knew coming to a small town was a stupid idea, but the desire to travel again was so great I convinced myself to go anyway. I was trying to find anything positive about my decision. Was I making more money? Not even close, less than 1/3 of what I was making in Korea. Did I have more things to do? Not even close. Was this place more interesting? Nope. Were my students more interested in learning? Nope. And then I realized I was just wasting my time here and I really needed to find something fast so this wouldn't end up a total waste. And that's when I made the decision to study Chinese.

I actually went through this process a couple times since then, realizing this is pointless and I'd better make lemonade out of my situation. I did the opposite in Korea. I retreated away from everything Korean which is impossibly difficult when you live in the country.

I just noticed something, I always seem to make the comparison between the two countries. But I wonder if it's not that the countries are that different, it's just that I've been living overseas for 2 years now and I think about things differently then when I first moved overseas.

Anyway, this is more of a end of the journey post but I figure I'd do it now while it was still fresh in my mind...

Only one more semester...only one more semester...only one more semester...

...then...freedom and a brand new land to explore.

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